Scan the Qrcode login invoice to participate in the lottery. Each invoice number is limited to one entry.

Three sets of 12 packs of Italian Oneglass will be drawn on July 1, 2022 and August 1, 2022, for a total of 6 copies
The list of winners will be announced on the Castle Manor Line@, please continue to pay attention to the news!
The more you buy, the more you get.

※Castle Manor (Ever Grand Taiwan Co., Ltd.) has the right to decide to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the event, and also has the right to make a final explanation for this event.

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點選下方按鈕或是掃描QRcode ,加入城堡莊園LINE@,超多好康消息不定期放送!葡萄酒知識、新品搶先體驗等等都在LINE裡面通知,千萬別錯過了!

禁止酒駕 飲酒過量有害健康


依台灣法規規定,不得販售任何酒類予未成年青少年。在瀏覽本網站時,您必須保證已年滿 18 歲或以上。

