Return process

Please contact customer service for returns and exchanges, we will further understand your use status and handle returns and exchanges for you as soon as possible

Can I return a product within the 7-day appreciation period?

Due to hygiene considerations, and in accordance with2Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the "Guidelines for the Application of Reasonable Exceptions to the Right to Terminate Communication Transactions"19promulgated by the competent authority: "Commodities that are prone to corruption, have a short shelf life, or are about to expire when the contract is terminated," fall under the Consumer Protection Act For the reasonable exceptions mentioned in the first proviso of Article 19,7the food and beverages purchased in the castle estate do not enjoy a 7-day appreciation period! Except that the product itself is defective and can be returned or exchanged, it cannot be returned or exchanged after purchase.
If you find that the product is defective, cork infected or moldy after receiving the product, Castle Manor will provide additional return and exchange services. You can call the customer service number, the company's local number: 02-2790-6883, or directly contact the Facebook /LINE@communicate about returns.

How to apply for a replacement if the product is defective?

The exchange process of our company is similar to the appreciation period. If you find any defects, incomplete packaging, moldy corks, broken bottles, etc. within seven days, you can call the customer service number, the company's local number: 02-2790-6883, or contact directlyLine@Commissioner, communicate about replacement matters.

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